May 14, 2010


Hi there.

Friday. The day to rejoice for the weekends. Phew, this week's been really tiring. In conjunction to the e-Gaming competition, there's ANOTHER competition coming up which involves games design. I really need to find serious people to make a team and learn all the modelling skills with commitment and heart. THIS IS SERIOUS BUSINESS! The second year students won the competition and everyone got a new XBOX360 Elite/Arcade as rewards! The e-Gaming competition is also SERIOUS BUSINESS! $600 for everyone! Can party to the max, man.

Other than that, nothing much really. Gonna keep myself very, very busy these few months and also, in hope of winning that XBOX360 and $600. Can't give myself too much false hope though, but at least, encourage myself haha.

Weekends.. Hmm. I probably will be doing nothing again. Exercise? Yeah, maybe. Gonna skip on the rope like crazy and do sit-ups, that way, I can reduce my belly size. Running everyday probably isn't going to help. A visit or two to the gym a week should be sufficient, don't wanna strain my muscles too much.. Schedule set! Woot.

Thanks for reading such a lame post, haha. Peace out.


  1. Actually I just need 2 more people in my grp ... which is probably designers...

  2. I found a group already though.. Haha.
