January 11, 2010


Hi guys.

I apologize for not updating for quite a while. It's just that the results release was just around the corner and I could not relax.

Well, the day arrived.. AND of course, I was pretty disappointed at myself. It's probably a wake-up call for myself. I tried to think neutral, but it's very hard. I ended up even more hurt than ever. I gotten 28 points, and I'm not even eligible for Nursing in Polytechnic (Why the hell would I even go to Nursing?). I decided to suck it up. I applied for Games Design & Development in ITE College Central, MacPherson Campus. Even though I failed to enter into a Polytechnic, I'm still sharpening up one of my favorite hobbies, Gaming.

I know some people would say that I'm so old and stuff like that. 19 considered old?

Anyway, it's a good plan. Assuming I got accepted for Games Design, I have to spend 10 weeks on a preparatory course for Higher Nitec, and for the rest of the year, it'll be modules. I'll be spending 2 years in ITE, and then get enlisted in the NS.

I probably won't be getting a good salary compared to those entering Polytechnics. Maybe I'll be single for life? Haha. The people around me suddenly changed. Because I'm going into ITE? Maybe. I can see for myself, who are really friends and who are just posers.

Finally.. I'm just gonna regain my composure. I punched my wall several times just now and I think I broke some bones? Haha. I really need to go for boxing lessons. It's harder to type now since it's all just pain. Among everyone, there's only ONE person who messaged me to encourage me, no matter what, all the best for my future (You know who you are). Thank you very much, for being compassionate. I could not express my gratitude enough. I might treat you to a meal one day! Thank you, friend and get well soon!

I might not be updating for a few days, cus I need to relax and also cross my fingers that I'll get accepted for Higher Nitec in Games Design!

Peace out!

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