November 7, 2008

Another update

Good morning again. It's 1.24 AM, now.

I'm currently playing World of Kung Fu. Just having lots of fun chatting with my guild and it just makes me feel welcomed and happy! At least, not everyone in my guild is ignorant. I'm so glad to find a group of friendly acquiantances in an underrated online game.

My maid is leaving for a 2 week break back to her hometown in Manila, Phillipines. I'm officially the new "maid" now! Heh, I wonder it feels like to be in charge of all household chores and groceries.. Gonna be tough I guess.

Anyway.. Up till this day, I still have people talking behind my back. Sigh, I really wish those people to be more open-minded and at least, voice out their opinions. It's not like I'm gonna transform into a troll and screw the shit outta you. Be more honest, people. Honesty is the best policy.


Ignorance is bliss. NOT.

Ever felt that.. you wanted to talk with some people and they ignore you? Ever felt that.. a friend of yours treated a stranger way better than you, furthermore, a friend? Ever felt.. unfairly treated?

Judging from my experience.. Ignorance is hated by everyone. Nobody wants to be ignored, we want to be recognized for what we do, what we are and what we live for. Well, take me for example. I'm practically ignored most of the time, because I'm a lone wolf. That's why I always wait for people to talk to me, and not me to initiate a conversation with them. My friends should know this, for instance, in MSN. Heh.

Back to the topic. Ignorance just wanna make a person cry. It gives the person a sense of uselessness. It's true. That's why.. never ignore anyone, unless they are annoying.

Try to give everyone a chance to express themselves. I experienced a situation while playing World of Kung Fu, when a new member joined my guild. He's a cheerful guy and easy-going. He said "Hi everyone! *with the smile emoticon*", but nobody replies to him. Next, a new female member joined the guild and when she says "Hi (One word only, lol)", most of the guys said hi back to her. She could be a guy for all they know. But yes, I feel that this is really unfair to that new member that joined earlier. The time gap when the male member joins and the female member likewise, is only 2 minutes.

This is what we all know as.. bias. Agree?

I can't help it but to encourage the new guy to stay on, and he agreed :)

So conclusion? Don't ignore people, unless it's a stranger coming up to you and offering sweets (We all learnt that in Primary school, didn't we.) or some annoying freak.

So remember. Ignorance is never bliss. It's a mental catastrophe :(

Thanks for visiting and may God bless you.

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